Automatically update Feature Request Product Space & Product Area based on feedback assigned

Keenan C on Feb. 23, 2024:

We receive a lot of feedback (600+ per month), and have over a dozen Product Spaces & dozens of Product Areas. So, it takes a lot of time for a Product Manager to triage their feedback, and then manually edit each feature request they created with the correct product space/product area.

As an example, the usual flow looks something like this:

  1. We have someone triaging feedback into product space & product area (me)

  2. The product managers go into their feedback inbox for a product space, check that the area/space are correct, and then create a feature request or assign the feedback to an existing feature request

  3. After clearing their inbox, they go to the feature requests they've created that day, and link them to a Jira ticket as part of the integration

But, the issue is that the feature requests they create in the inbox don't have Product Space/Product Area automatically assigned to them. So, it's harder for them to see all their feature requests unless they manually edit every feature request to attach the product space/product area, which takes an extra 5 steps when they are in the feature request (go to settings, edit, add product space/area, save, go back to feature requests list).

It would make sense to have an option in settings that allows any feature requests created from the inbox to have their product space/product area automatically updated with the product space/product area that was assigned to the piece of feedback they created it from.

This would be useful because:
- It makes the process easier for the PMs
- The feature requests are then going to show up in their product space/area
- The data we then get out of Savio is more accurate

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