Create feedback from directly inside HubSpot


Two options here:

  1. Create a Hubspot App similar to our Zendesk App.

  2. Improve Chrome Extension so it automatically picks up user and adds ack note similar to with Intercom.

  3. Support #feedback style in notes and maybe other places (we currently do this)

Hannah H on May 3, 2022:

Found in my internal workflow research that the bulk of our customer feedback isn't derived during the sales process (so not when deals are Closed Won or Closed Lost). The bulk of our feedback is coming from quarterly updates and random one-off conversations. It would be great to more easily push feedback from the Contact or Company object without the use of a Zap. We're also exploring HubSpot's Live Chat features and would love the ability to push feedback to Savio from a Chat.

Kelli W on Dec. 12, 2024:

My sales team records feedback in Hubspot. When we signed up, we expected that the Hubspot integration included a feedback integration, such that feedback would automatically sync from Hubspot to Savio.
This is not the case.
My sales reps do not leave notes in the Closed Lost field; they leave notes in Notes and other fields. They do not want to have to copy & paste feedback from Hubspot into the Chrome extension.

This is a bit of a dealbreaker for us.

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